The Department of Regional New South Wales (DRNSW) is the central agency for regional affairs; ensuring that government investment into regional NSW is fair and delivers positive outcomes for local communities and businesses.
In order to identify future work priorities for the Department, Jester Strategy collaborated with colleagues across a wide range of agencies and departments to explore the evolving future of regional liveability in NSW and ways to prepare for it. Leveraging the existing state scenarios developed by the Shaping Futures team at the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, we designed and led workshops aimed at: (1) collectively identifying future challenges and opportunities these scenarios present for regional liveability, (2) developing strategic options to tackle these challenges and leverage the opportunities, and (3) establishing a clear strategy framework to prioritize and select these options.
The outcomes of this inclusive process underpin the Department’s future work priorities to help the regional communities to continue to thrive in a changing tomorrow.
Please contact Sander van Amelsfoort for more information.